A photo of Nora McInerny wearing a yellow polka dot shirt, standing in front of a bunch of yellow smiley face balloons. In contrast, Nora has a massive grimace on her face.

Terrible, Thanks for Asking

TTFA Classic Team Terrible TTFA Classic Team Terrible

The Trauma Sponge

Jeremy Norton has been a firefighter for over 20 years, a job that’s considered heroic and honorable…a job that sometimes means showing up to a false alarm…and sometimes means soaking up the trauma of the city around you.

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TTFA Classic Team Terrible TTFA Classic Team Terrible

How to Lose Your Name

Cheval spent her entire life trying to be a wedding dress designer (she started sewing at 7 years old and studied fashion design in college). In her mid 20’s, she got her big break when a large fashion house hired her to design a wedding dress collection named after herself. But that dream only lasted eight years. She found herself in the middle of a legal battle that would take away her collection, her job as a designer, and eventually her name.

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